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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Specialist

SoHo Gastroenterology

Murray Orbuch, MD

Gastroenterologist located in SoHo & Financial District, New York City, NY

Sometimes referred to as nervous colon or spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects as many as 12% of adults in the United States and causes an array of abdominal symptoms that may keep you from your daily activities. At SoHo Gastroenterology: Dr. Murray Orbuch, MD, with two convenient locations in SoHo and the Financial district, Manhattan, the gastroenterology specialists can help you manage your IBS symptoms and improve your quality of life. For a consultation, call your nearest New York City office or request an appointment online.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Q & A

What is IBS?

IBS is a digestive disorder that causes abdominal pain and bowel changes without damaging your digestive tract. IBS is common and affects women more often than men. 

You may be at risk of developing IBS if it runs in your family. Difficult life events, such as child abuse, may also trigger the condition, as can an infection. 

What are IBS symptoms?

Symptoms of IBS vary in both type and severity. Some of the most common include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Alternating diarrhea and constiption
  • Bloating and gas
  • Feeling as though you can’t completely empty your bowel
  • Mucus in your stool

Your IBS can also cause diarrhea, constipation, or both. How your bowel movements are affected may determine the type of IBS you have and play a significant role in treatment. 

What can I expect during an IBS examination?

The team at SoHo Gastroenterology: Dr. Murray Orbuch, MD, conducts comprehensive unhurried examinations when you come in with symptoms that sound like IBS. 

During your examination, the team intently listens to your health concerns and description of your symptoms. They also review your medical and family history and conduct a physical exam.

While the team may be able to diagnose IBS based on your symptoms, they may recommend an endoscopy and/or colonoscopy to rule out other causes of your symptoms. 

What are the treatments for IBS?

Treatment for your IBS may depend on the severity of your symptoms and the type of IBS you have. You may be able to alleviate your symptoms by making changes to your diet and lifestyle, such as:

  • Increasing fiber or avoiding gluten
  • Increasing physical activity
  • Finding healthy outlets for your stress
  • New medications specifically directed at the underlying symptoms

Your doctor may also suggest the FODMAP (fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyol) diet. This diet eliminates foods that contain carbohydrates that are difficult to digest, such as fructose, lactose, and fructans. 

Once you’ve eliminated these types of foods from your diet, you slowly add them back in to identify the types of foods that may be causing your symptoms.

The team at SoHo Gastroenterology: Dr. Murray Orbuch, MD, may also prescribe symptom-specific medication to help alleviate your discomfort and normalize your bowel movements.

IBS is a common but manageable gastrointestinal condition. To schedule an evaluation to get help managing your IBS, call SoHo Gastroenterology: Dr. Murray Orbuch, MD, or request an appointment online today.

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